Seagals (a series)…


20 March 2019

Anemone Anne  Wall-hung, hand-built figurative ceramic sculpture, fired, with cold finishes and varnishes.

320mm high x 190mm wide x 105mm deep


Mandy Manatee  Wall-hung, hand-built figurative ceramic sculpture, fired, with cold finishes and varnishes.

255mm high x 140mm wide x 105mm deep


Sandy Starfish  Wall-hung, hand-built figurative ceramic sculpture, fired, with assemblage (a starfish acquired in New Zealand), cold finishes and varnishes.

255mm high x 130mm wide x 97mm deep


Ursula Urchin   Wall-hung, hand-built figurative ceramic sculpture, fired, with assemblage (sharpened, up cycled bicycle spokes), cold finishes and varnishes.

300mm high x 160mm wide x 140mm deep

These four pieces are the beginning of an open series titled ‘Seagals.’ The faces are approximately life-sized. Each piece features a different “sea-creature” (sculpted, natural, or assembled from up-cycled materials) — why a sea creature? Because our seas need our attention and protection! Inspiration for the look and feel of these is drawn from the “bathing beauties” of the 1920s, with colouration reflecting the work of portrait illustrators of that time (e.g. Władysław T. Benda).

