Thank you for your visit!

15 June 2009

The 8th WAVE Artists Studio Tour the past two days was once again a big success—in no small part thanks to the 135 visitors who dropped by for a studio visit over the weekend. It’s great to get feedback on works (both finished and in-progress) and to be able to explain my process and eclectic oeuvre (which many think is just plain wierd… hence the studio name “What?”). The last few weeks have been a blur of activity finishing and mounting the collection of figurative sculptures I’ve worked on over the winter, as well as preparing various other ceramic and assemblage works.

Images: A tired ‘me’ posing with Wallflower after the tour ended last night; the outdoor display of Uncultured Enigmas which proved to be popular again with visitors; Darwin’s Creation (Enigmas offer clues to missing links, in honour of Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday this year); $10 Chokers (lots in stock right now); prototypes and one-offs from a new series of Wall Stuff (beach belles, shoes, gitch, etc.…); and Peer Pressure, social commentary re: failing corporatism and the workaholics who drive themselves down along with sinking enterprise.

Thanks again for your support! If you were unable to make it out this past weekend, I am available by prior appointment during the summer months—(please do e-mail me or call ahead if you plan to drop by to make sure I’m in: +1 204 782 3077).

And, please do plan to come by (again) on the September long weekend (5 & 6 September 2009) for the second self-guided round of the WAVE.
